Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Did I ever tell you...

...that I lost my H.S. tassel the night I graduated. lol, and I got in trouble with my mom cause I (according to her) was overreacting. Anyway, I bought the last of my grad stuff. How exciting. I feel the way I did before I got married. LOL. I don't know that says about either event, but I am and was happy about both. I think for sure when I go to school for my B.A. I will be in as many clubs n' stuff as I can cause I am in love with cords, sashes and tassels ! If I were in the army I would be the most decorated soldier, not out of duty, but simply because I think it looks cool to have a bunch of junk hanging off my uniform. I would shoot my self in the foot just for a purple heart. LOL, that would be great, "I got a purple heart because I shot myself in my pinkie toe, how 'bout you?" (o.k. I am overly caffeinated, Advil family here I come!, only Dillons know what that means, I hope.)
But really, I love decorations, It's a good thing I don't wear jewelry. I would be that tacky old lady with like five rings on each finger and a couple on my crusty toes just for good measure. Maybe ten ear piercings too. Fabulous !

1 comment:

Erica Rose said...

MAN SARRAH!!!! No fair!!! Lol yours has pretty colors!!! Mine is boring boring boring black :P