Thursday, August 25, 2011


A while ago I blogged about participating in a financial counseling offered by our church. I don't think I ever shared the outcome of that session, just the fact that we were going. That particular blog was commented on by an anonymous person who accused me of over sharing, dishonoring my family and asked if my husband knew I blogged about our life. This Anonymous commenter made me laugh and has obviously found a place in my head, as his post crosses my mind often.I am not sure why I still think of that comment. Maybe because the accusations were so outrageous. 'Does my husband know?' That was the best part of all. LOL, my FITH and I have joked about that line several times. Like I would hide my blog (or anything) from Caleb. "Enveloped in the cloak of the midnight hour hidden deep beneath the bed sheets, using only the iridescent light of my trusty ComPaq pissario, I scroll the deep inner workings of my very soul. Hoping, Caleb, my oppressive and arrogant life partner will not find out how I have shared our private life with the anonymous public". Seriously, is that what this guy was thinking when he wrote his comment? Haha. I don't know. I just wanted to relive that post. Maybe it will finally get out of my head, and I can stop secretly doling out pity to that poor man's wife. :)

So changing the subject (a little) let's talk about that fact that I over share. I do over share. I know that. I will tell most people pretty much anything if they either ask, or I think it is important that they know. I have lived long enough to know people are not perfect and neither am I. So, I think we should just drop the props and be who we are. It's OK to struggle, that's life. Life is a struggle. That's why we have God, to make up the difference and help us to become better people. I wasted so many years of my life trying to be that perfect person to everyone I meet. I had to be the perfect size, attitude, image etc. In the end I have come to realize perfection outside of heaven is unattainable. I still try to be a better version of myself, but I know the flaws will still show. So, with that being said, I hope we can all learn to loosen up once in awhile and show someone who might be struggling with life that, hey, we have been in your shoes, and we made it just fine. Let's not forget where God has brought us from. Instead, of hiding your past, let God be glorified in your victory. Share what God has done for you with someone else. That is how we uplift one another.

*that will preach brother*

1 comment:

HG said...

Very well written. I completely agree with the content, but you are a fantastic writer to convey it so well!!

You. Go. Girl.