Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Evolution Explained (corrected)

Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?
Yes, I believe through the process of natural selection the spooniush scoopis (spoon) gene pool was brought down to only two genotypes. These types are, Knife (Kf) and Fork (Fk), but if Kf reproduces with a Fk the offspring will be KF which appears as a spoon. Thus we have the Knife, Fork and Spoon. Now, sometimes there is a genetic mutation in the DNA and a fossil gene appears and the endangered Spork is produced. The Spork has only been seen the wild twice. In both instances the Spork was found near the Choitizck river in the amazon.

We can prove that the Knife, Spoon and Fork are all generated from the same base DNA if we look at their molecular make up. (not cover girl) Upon close analysis, we have found that Knife, Spoon and Fork are all genetically linked. So, they must all be related, that simple. It is interesting to note that science has found that the spoon actually first evolved 3333333000000 billion years ago from a mutated lizard tail. The rest is history.
Titanium Baby, these little guys are survivors.


Anonymous said...

that is awsome.

Anonymous said...

But shouldn't the knife manifest itself in there SOMEWHERE?

Anonymous said...

Before or after the Advil family gene pool?

Anonymous said...

So that explianes evolution, but can you EXPLAIN it??

I'm actually glad you had the typo... otherwise I'd have to just say that this was a great post. :-p