Monday, January 21, 2008

Look out AMAZON here I come !

Ok, so the whole "selling on EBay" thing didn't work out for me, but I have a new plan; I am selling all my books on amazon. I know I am not going to get rich doing this, but at least I can make back some of the money I spent buying these books. The student book store at Valley is horrible, they only refund about 30% of the value of textbooks during the buy back period. Then they resell used books for about 75% of the new book price. It is all a big scam. I am trying to break up that crime ring by selling my books on my own. So, wish me luck, and yes I will tithe on whatever I make. It is sad to think I have not had anything to tithe on in the last two years, because it has been at least that long since I last had a JOB.

1 comment:

Jana McVay said...

You should post your text books on craigslist (free). I see lots of books on there and there is no charge or shipping fee if you put it as local!! And right now before the Spring semester people will be checking for the books!! Good luck with which ever direction you go....Maybe even do both Craigslist AND amazon (I buy a lot of my textbooks from there as well!!!)